Toothbrushing is an important part of great oral hygiene for children. At Superkids Pediatric Dentistry, we help parents and children understand the significance of brushing, and also assist in developing the proper brushing technique and habits for kids.
With four convenient locations in Alexandria & Sterling, VA, and Rockville, & Potomac, MD, your child can get the best dental care from experienced and friendly pediatric dentists!
Children’s mouths and hands are not the same as adults. Therefore, they need toothbrushes that are specifically designed for kids. However, both adults and children should use toothbrushes with soft,rounded bristles for gentle cleaning. Your toothbrush should be changed every three months.
For infants, wipe their teeth gently with a moist, soft cloth or a small gauze square. As babies start to grow, use a child’s toothbrush, with a pea-sized dab of toothpaste. Around age two or three, you should begin teaching your child to brush their teeth. You will have to brush any areas that they miss. When your children begin brushing their teeth, they should use a gentle, short, back and forth motion in order to remove plaque.
As your children get older, they can begin to use this method.
You can begin cleaning your child’s teeth once they begin erupting by gently wiping them with a moist washcloth. As they begin to grow more teeth, you can start to use a soft bristled child’s toothbrush. Apply just a small pea-sized amount of toothpaste (such as Baby OraGel) until your child is able to spit it out. Too much fluoride may stain their teeth.
For many toddlers, getting them to brush their teeth can be a challenge. Here are some tips to make tooth brushing for toddlers easier:
In order to help your child better understand the importance of brushing, it may be helpful and fun to let them eat or drink something that will temporarily “stain” their teeth, and then let them brush their teeth clean so they can see the difference.
Another helpful tip is to create a “teeth brushing routine”, and stick to it each day so it becomes a habit.
Schedule an appointment with our pediatric dentist in Alexandria & Sterling, VA, and Rockville, & Potomac, MD to help your child develop great oral habits that will last a lifetime, including toothbrushing technique, call one of our convenient office locations:
5204 Dawes Ave, Alexandria, VA 22311 Phone: 703-931-4400
46175 Westlake Drive Suite 430, Sterling, VA 20165 Phone: 703-774-0014
10220 River Road, Suite 305, Potomac, MD 20854 Phone: 301-299-4400
15020 Shady Grove Road, Suite 360, Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: 301-762-2236
We can’t wait to meet you! Contact one of our five convenient locations around the DC area.